Monday, August 16, 2010

Dday - A Success!

Well the first Demolition Day was a big success. We spent our evening downstairs with our little furry children. I made hotdogs and a salad, pickles and reduced fat chips. We shared a glass of rose wine and played with the cats until they decided to go to bed. Baby is sleeping in a magazine basket and Dolly has found a space on Dolores's bed that she loves. I don't understand the magazine basket but OK - as long as he's content.

I'm planning to try some Rachel Ray 30-minute meals...most likely next week since our menu is planned for this week. This week I'm mostly preparing things I don't have to cook in an oven.

We've decided that we are going to keep Dolores's old stove. It has a broiler beneath the oven which is not available in the newer stoves. We like that feature. So we'll get rid of our gold harvest Kenmore stove that I've had upstairs for the past 6 years and keep Dolores's. We had a long discussion about it tonight. I'm looking forward to my Viking professional stove, which is going to be delivered on Thursday. And I'm looking foward to having my back up stove be an old fashioned stove. A white Admiral. This should be interesting!


I am a very lucky woman and I don't take this for granted! With this new change, I've renewed my commitment to making healthy choices. Mediterranean and Asian I come. I'm going to learn how to make just about everything healthy that you can imagine. I'm so excited! Thanks, Mom!

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