Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stuffing Down The Bad Thoughts

I decided to take a break from drinking alcohol. I didn't think it was doing any good for my Diabetes. I'm totally fine with not drinking. In fact I'm truly enjoying it. I'm even happier at work, with more energy.

We had egg and bacon sandwiches on whole grain bread with tomato and spinach tonight. Aaron had some low fat potato chips but I had a small salad instead. We each had a diet decaf Pepsi. It feels so great to eat right and do the right thing. What a relief.

My Christmas shopping and wrapping are done. The presents are stacked all around the house. As I sit in my beautiful chocolate La-Z-Boy, it makes me think of how blessed we truly are. Financially blessed but also spiritually blessed. I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year with renewed joy for many reasons. As many of you know, I've had a truly wonderful year getting to know all of my new family members in person, via e-mail, Facebook, letters, phone calls, etc. It's absolutely fulfilling to find my real family - both sides!

Food For Thought:

I've also had a difficult relationship with my adoptive mom and this has taken it's toll on me this year. I think it's one of the reasons why I've been struggling with my weight. I just want to eat to stuff down the bad memories and feelings. But I really just need to deal with these things instead of pushing them down and being weighed down by them. I'm not afraid of the truth, the struggle, the bad feelings. It is what it is (that statement's getting old) so acceptance is what I need to concentrate on. What a liberating thought. It's not a new thought but a re-affirmation of recognizing that people make their own choices and then must learn to deal with the consequences. Bring it on!

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